
HCAP 110-Course 1 HCA Role and Responsibility (Theory and Lab)

45 hours

3 Credits

During this course, you will focus on the role and responsibilities of a health care aide working in a variety of employment settings. The focus of this course is to share information that will result in safe, ethical, and respectful care based on the needs of the client. Care that meets these standards is known as person-centred care. To meet the goal of person-centred care, the health care aide must be familiar with the provincial legislation that guides safe, ethical, and personalized care. In addition, knowledge of how to work as part of the health-care team is essential, as is the ability to follow your employer’s policy and procedures and your job description. The HCA is responsible for identifying, managing, and preventing potential environmental hazards in facilities and community-based settings and focusing on the client’s safety as well as your own safety in different settings.

Prerequisites: None

HCAP 110 – Module 1 Role of the Health Care Aide (Theory)

HCAP 110 – Module 2 Legislation (Theory)

HCAP 110 – Module 3 Functioning Effectively as a Team Member (Theory)

HCAP 110 – Module 4 Environmental Safety (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 110 – Module 5 Client Safety (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 110 – Module 6 Self Care and Safety (Theory and Lab)


HCAP 120 – Course 2 Human Body, Health, and Chronic Illness (Theory)

45 hours

3 Credits

In this course, you will study the systems that make up the human body and discuss the milestones of growth and development across a lifetime. You will read about and discuss the most common of the chronic illnesses that you may encounter, and you will learn how to provide safe care based on evidence-informed practices according to the clients’ diagnoses, needs, and care plans. The information learned in this course will provide you with care strategies to support the client and the client’s family through the process of a client’s dying and death.

Prerequisites: None

HCAP 120 – Module 1 Body Systems and Functions (Theory)

HCAP 120– Module 2 Human Growth and Development and Death (Theory)

HCAP 120 – Module 3 Health Aging and Independence (Theory)

HCAP 120– Module 4 Chronic Conditions (Theory)


HCAP 130 – Course 3 Communication and Documentation in the Health-Care Environment (Theory and Lab)

60 hours

4 Credits

This course will focus on the role and responsibilities of the health care aide when communicating effectively as a member of the collaborative care team. Strong communication skills are an important part of being a successful health care aide. The health-care environment requires competent verbal, written, and electronic communication skills, which are part of digital literacy. This course will focus on professional communication with other team members, clients, and client’s families; written communication, including documentation in client records and report completion; problem-solving strategies; and handling conflict successfully. A focus on communicating effectively with clients from all cultures while demonstrating cultural competence and understanding the diversity of individuals will be included. Communication strategies for overcoming the challenges and barriers to communication between the client and caregiver caused by disease, illness, and aging in the client will also be discussed.

Prerequisites: none

HCAP 130 – Module 1 Communication in a Collaborative Team (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 130– Module 2 Dealing with Problems and Conflict (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 130 – Module 3 Cultural Competency and Diversity (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 130 – Module 4 Documentation (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 130 – Module 5 Communication Impairments and Related Strategies (Theory and Lab)


HCAP 140 – Course 4 Providing Person-Centred Care and Comfort (Theory and Lab)

75 hours

5 credits

In this course, the learner will learn to support clients to maintain their independence and meet their care needs according to individual care plans. The learner will acquire the skills and knowledge needed to assist clients with daily grooming and hygiene and to assist clients to walk and use mobility aids and wheel chairs safely. The learner will learn several methods for carrying out client lifts and transfers, with a focus on client safety and comfort. Upon completion of the course, the learner will have an excellent baseline knowledge of standards for meeting client nutritional needs and strict guidelines in safe food handling as set out in minimum provincial expectations.

Prerequisites: none

HCAP 140 – Module 1 Assist with Client Mobility (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 140– Module 2 Positioning, Transfers and Lifts (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 140 – Module 3 Client Grooming and Hygiene (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 140 – Module 4 Bathing the Client and Bed making (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 140– Module 5 Assist with Elimination (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 140 – Module 6 Assist with Nutrition and Mealtimes (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 140 – Module 7 Food Safety (Theory)

HCAP 140 – Module 8 High Impact Consolidation Lab (Lab)


HCAP 150 – Course 5 Health Care Aide Clinical Placement I

80 hours

3 Credits

During this clinical placement you will experience the role of the health care aide by working under the direction of a regulated health-care professional. You will have the opportunity to work in a continuing care setting such as home care, supportive living (designated supportive living or DSL), senior lodges, long term care, and group homes.

Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2, 3, 4


HCAP 160– Course 6 Meeting Complex Care Needs (Theory and Lab)

75 hours

5 credits

This course builds on the foundational skills and concepts introduced in previous courses and also introduces new skills to the learner. Learners will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge to learn advanced skills such as active and passive range-of-motion exercises, wound care, tube feeds, catheter care, ostomy care, specimen collection, and respiratory care. In addition, accurate measurement of vital signs is demonstrated, practised, and assessed. This course will also assist learners to work safely within the legal roles and responsibilities of health care aides in this province while providing medication assistance. This course is included in the HCA Preparation for Employment provincial standard.

Courses 1, 2, 3, 4

HCAP 160 – Module 1 Range of Motion (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160– Module 2 Assisting with Wound Care (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160 – Module 3 Assisting with Nasogastric and Gastrostomy Care and Tube Feeds (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160 – Module 4 Assisting with Urinary Catheter and Drainage Systems (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160– Module 5 Assist with Ostomy Care (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160 – Module 6 Measuring Vital Signs, Pain, Height and Weight (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160 – Module 7 Assisting with Specimen Collection (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160 – Module 8 Assisting with Respiratory Care and Oral Suctioning (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160 – Module 9 Medication Assistance (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 160 – Module 10 High Impact Consolidation Lab (Lab)


HCAP 170 – Course 7 Special Activities for Clients with Various Health Conditions          (Theory and Lab)

75 hours

5 credits

A central feature of this course is the extensive section on meeting the care and comfort needs of clients with a diagnosis of dementia. Learners also learn about care strategies for assisting other diverse client groups such as clients with a mental health diagnosis and clients with developmental delays and physical disabilities. Health care aides employed by home care agencies may have the opportunity to provide care for infants and children, as well as caring for clients living with life-limiting illness, and who could benefit from hospice, palliative and end-of-life care. This course provides the information and skills needed to assist with these care assignments.

Courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

HCAP 170– Module 1 Assisting with the Care of Infants (Theory)

HCAP 170– Module 2 Assisting with the Child (Theory)

HCAP 170 – Module 3 Care for Clients with a Diagnosis of Dementia (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 170 – Module 4 Caring for Clients with a Mental Health Diagnosis (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 170 – Module 5 Assisting Clients with Physical Disability and Developmental Delays (Theory)

HCAP 170 – Module 6 Palliative and End of Life Care (Theory and Lab)

HCAP 170 – Module 7 Meeting Care Preceding and Following Death (Theory)

HCAP 170 – Module 8 High Impact Consolidation Lab (Lab)


HCAP 180 – Course 8 HCA Clinical Placement Experience II

160 hours

5 credits

Under the direction of a regulated health-care professional, learners will work in a health-care setting such as continuing care or acute care, providing person-centred care and support for clients and their families.

Prerequisites: Courses 1-7


HCAP 190 – Course 9 HCA Consolidated Clinical Placement Experience       

80 hours

3 credits

Under the direction of a regulated health-care professional and buddied with an unregulated health-care professional, students will work in a variety of health-care settings such as continuing care or acute care, providing person-centred care and support for clients and their families.

Prerequisites: Courses 1-8