A simple but powerful directive: “To invest in people, prioritize education.” On this day five years ago, the United Nations General Assembly declared January 24th to be the International Day of Education in commemoration …
Update December 8, 2023: Dr. Tom Snell’s Appointment on Alberta Premier’s Council on Skills Extended for Three More Years We are honoured to announce that Columbia College President Dr. Tom Snell has been appointed to the Premier’s Council on Skills. …
10:00 – 10:30 O Canada, announcements, and acknowledgements 10:30 – 12:00 Fashion show & Entertainment 12:00 – 1:30 Cultural Pavilions
A few months ago, in 2018, Global News featured an article about the top in-demand jobs in Canada with contributor Jodi Kasten, managing director of Indeed Canada. Small to medium-sized businesses have rapidly expanded over the past three years, accounting …
Industry-focused organizations, such as the World Economic Forum, tend to focus on what the future will hold for professionals and the necessary skills that will be in demand over the next five years. With the introductions of technology, many positions …
“A leader is never made, they are born.” This what people say when it comes to being a leader. But leadership is not a trait that can be inherited by someone. Leadership comes from building your own personality. People don’t elect you as …
Before you start your journey, you need to know the destination. If you don’t know where you want to reach you may either keep moving aimlessly or get lost altogether. Similarly, before you make a plan to achieve something in …
Kaizen (improvement in Japanese) is a Japanese philosophy that has the capacity to radically alter the course of your life if you adopt the principle faithfully. The entire premise of the Kaizen approach is that the emphasis must always be on constant self-improvement …
Do you fear the idea of speaking in public? For some, the mere thought is enough to induce a state of panic. Whether you are speaking with clients, giving a presentation at college or work, or leading a meeting, you need to use …
As a necessary starting step, we hope that you have determined the course or the program that you wish to persue. Select a course that is in line with your future plans, your interests, or a course that helps you …